Synergization & Workshops

Contact us today! Our workshops are designed for smaller groups, or individuals, and workshops can be delivered via Zoom. Do not judge a book by it’s cover – our workshop modules explore and reveal the deeper, sometimes hidden dynamics of human interaction that at times can seem impossible to remedy, and which so often impede an organisation’s primary task and waste resources. Our psychodynamic approach is at the cutting edge in the field of personal, group and organisational dynamics.

Synergization actively empower individuals and organisations, helping them gain insight into the true root of problems, and solve them. Both Paul and Max are members of APPCIOS, the leading authority in psychodynamic application for individuals and organisations. 

We are constantly creating new programmes to benefit organisations and individuals. Here are some of our workshops ready for you which are designed for smaller groups, and some can be delivered online via Zoom:

Frontline Care Professionals

There is much training available for care professionals, but this is different and focus on the dynamics of this type of work, the psycho-social process and inter-relational dynamics that affects individuals, teams and even the entire organisation. This workshop helps improve professional and personal resilience, provide improved harmony within teams and organisation as well as addressing difficult, sometimes hidden issues.

Professional Kindness

It used to be considered a soft skill, but professional kindness is emerging as a key asset in the workplace, helping organisations run more smoothly and efficiently. We show you the benefits of professional kindness, including advanced aspects.

1.5 hours – £525 for up to 15 attendees

Now available on Zoom

1 hour – Prices start at £300 for 10 attendees. 

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Workplace Burnout – Awareness, Intervention & Strategies

Many people just think they are tired, depressed or overworked – until it’s too late. Learn the specific criteria and uniqueness of Workplace Burnout so you can recognise the signs before it plunges into a major problem. An overall guide, with plenty of insight into the human psyche and situations that can entrap us. Prevention and intervention strategies give you foresight and protection.

2 hours – £600 for up to 15 attendees

Now available on Zoom – 1 hour – £300 for 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Psychological Contract

The informal, non-legal, unwritten set of expectations that exist between the organisation and employees. How can it be a valuable tool to prevent issues in organisations? How else is it advantageous? Discover all the answers and advantages in this workshop, and how a psychological contract can shape expectations and mindset of employees and enhance workplace harmony.

1 hour – £450 for up to 15 attendees.

Available on Zoom – 1 hour – Prices start at £300 for 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Organisational Trauma

There are so many things that can cause organisational trauma, and upset the workforce and derail the organisation’s performance and primary task, such as the impact of covid-19, the implications of new staff coming into the organisation, there are so many possibilities. We look at the deeper aspects, and the possibilities of recovery and healing.

1.5 hours – £525 for up to 15 attendees

Now available on Zoom – 1 hour – Prices start at £300 for 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Procrastination – The Theft of Time, The Enemy of Achievement

It ought to be easy – you have urgent things to do, deadlines to meet, or you want to do so-and-so. But for some reason you cannot fathom, delay or even failure occurs. This module explores the practical and sometimes more complex components of procrastination, and why it so often involves underlying, unseen elements of the human psyche. Just what does this mean for you?

1.5 hours -£525 for up to 15 attendees

Now available on Zoom – 1 hour – Prices start at £300 for 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Effective Time Management

Before you yawn and turn off the alarm, check this out! Time Management with a twist, featuring up-to-the-moment strategies that open opportunities for truly effective time management. Engaging psychodynamic and current neuroscience to give you an edge…and results in managing your busy life and work schedule.

1 hour – £450 for up to 15 attendees

Available on Zoom – 1 hour -prices start at £300 for up to 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here

Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace

There is no doubt that aggression and problem behaviour is on the rise in organisations. It’s a difficult problem to tackle because of the complex issues that intertwine due to human behaviour. Here we unravel the problem, giving you an overview and insight, plus the vital tools to remedy situations. Best of all, we show you how to recognise the problems and tackle them effectively before they turn into major catastrophes. 

2 hours – £600   

Interested or would like more information?Click here

Working From Home – Meet the Challenges

This equips students with ideas and solutions for  the challenges of home-based work and will help keep organisations in peek performance and on primary task.

Available on Zoom only.

1 hour – Prices start at £300 for 10 attendees

Interested or would like more information? Click here


Therapeutic Support, Counselling, Mentoring & Advocacy

We can provide a wide range of support based on your unique and personal needs. A sympathetic, empathetic, flexible and practical approach and much more is what we offer.

We also have vast experience of special needs and we fully understand that sometimes a little essential therapeutic support can go a long in helping you refine your aims and help reach full potential. We are just a click or telephone call away!

Available now! 

Interested or would like more information? Click here


Synergization is always developing new ideas and gathering state of the art information to support organisations and people. Here are just a few of the soon-to-be-here training topics:

>Organizations & Their Personalities

>Emotional Intelligence – Benefits for self & workplace

>Management & Leadership – A Psychodynamic Perspective 

>Professional Resilience

>The Workplace in the Modern Era

>Working with Young People in Crisis – an effective approach

>Psychodynamics – a basic guide for insight, prevention & solutions

Certificates with every workshop