New service! Therapeutic Support for adults!

We now offer a person centred therapeutic support package. This consists of an individually tailored plan and will include coaching, mentoring, tutoring and much more depending on individual needs. We draw on our collective vast experience with people in crisis, those with special needs, or anyone in need of support, help with transition, self-improvement, life skills, accessing the community, and offer a programme to help individuals express and convey their thoughts, views and feelings effectively, and much, much more. We provide an empathetic listening ear to support individuals express themselves enabling them to move forward with greater clarity.

Referrals are welcomed, and we will assess needs and requirements on an individual basis and will be entirely flexible throughout. Sessions are hourly, and can be 1 or more hours, as a one off or ongoing, and can be in person or online.

Contact us for more details and a relaxed, informal chat to see how we can best help.